West Cary Group Launches New Mobile-Ready Website for RIC
Jul 12, 2012

RICHMOND, Virginia (July 17, 2012)
West Cary Group, a minority-owned marketing communications and advertising agency headquartered in Richmond, Virginia, has redesigned and relaunched the official website of Richmond International Airport (RIC).
“West Cary Group is delivering on its pledge of helping to make RIC known as one of the most digitally relevant airports in the country,” says Troy Bell, Director of Marketing and Air Service Development for RIC. “They’re fully leveraging their integrated communications expertise to the benefit of the airport, its customers and stakeholders, and the Greater Richmond Region as a whole.”
“Our digital philosophy at West Cary Group is ‘think mobile first,’ and that guided the redesign,” says Moses Foster, West Cary Group President and CEO.
“Using responsive design techniques, the website adapts intelligently to any device you view it on–whether it’s a mobile phone, tablet or computer.” “We also wanted to capture what’s unique about RIC–namely, its culture. There’s a special warmth generated by the environment and the staff that you just can’t find at most airports these days.” New location photography is featured prominently on the site, bringing to life the airport’s distinctively open, accessible atmosphere. Additional improvements include a new architecture that puts the most highly sought after information at the forefront. Site visitors will now find a home page Fare Finder and Arrivals and Departures board. For interested businesses, information on RIC’s decade-old Supplier Diversity program is highlighted with a featured home page link.
“We consider this site highly dynamic and a work in progress,” continues Foster.
“We’ll continue to work with the airport to look for ways to refine and enhance the site’s functionality and design. It’s truly a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with one of the most important resources in our region.” West Cary Group was named Agency of Record for RIC in April 2012. The firm is responsible for general marketing–including web and mobile design and development, as well as brand advertising.
About West Cary Group
West Cary Group is a full-service, minority-owned advertising and marketing communications agency founded in 2007 by Moses Foster. The firm specializes in digital media, brand marketing, diversity communications, direct response marketing and employee communications.